Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Indonesian women

The facts about  Regarding Indonesia can not be separated from women around the world women are basically not much different from the women in the world. It's just a lot of factors that lead to differences in the character of each individual woman when viewed from different aspects of life. The geographical position of influence on the character, personality, and perspective .

Indonesian women plus another by means of an adequate education, maybe for now means quality education can only enjoy women in Indonesia are located in urban areas alone, there swept away in corners -archipelago so many Indonesian women is poor education, away from the means of information, let alone know the latest clothing trends or modern beauty treatments. All they knew was that exploit the natural wealth of Indonesia for beauty, obedient to the customs and traditions of their ancestors.

The traditions and customs of each region is very diverse, and until now we still can see and feel. For example when there is a wedding ceremony, there is still strong inherent habits or traditions passed down from each region. Keeping traditions and preserved so that it has become our habits, but we also should be able to keep up with the changing times and current modernization.

So many Indonesian women are shackled traditions, customs bonded strong, and no power to do much. Maybe that's where one of the causes differences in the character of each of the different regions.We should be grateful, precisely because of the many differences that women around Indonesia is rich in tradition, and is characteristic of various regions in the country. Everything is back on us, respectively, from the point where we look.

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